Accessoires TIME Advanced Stoper


SD11015 PORTABLE CONTROL STAND W/ FITTINGS Portable stand with controls to allow for operator to extend the controls out of a hazardous area.
SD11017 CENTRALIZER ASSEMBLY W/ CHECK VALVE & SHOULDERED JAWS To ensure a positive hold on the rods in the case of lost air while drilling upholes.
SD11020 HOSE EXTENSION KIT 50’ Hose kit to be used with portable stand.
SD10029 180 DEGREE HELAC KIT Mounts to feed assembly providing an additional 180 degree swing.
47-16-00 DRIFT FENCE GATE Gate includes lock and key to control and restrict access. Designed to connect to panels.
47-16-04 DRIFT FENCE PANEL Panel to prevent access. Designed to connect to gate and additional panels.
47-1700 ROD RACK 4’ Stand up rod rack, for 4’ rods.
47-1701 ROD RACK 6’ Stand up rod rack, for 6’ rods.
47-1800 FOLDABLE WORK TABLE - ALUMINUM Lightweight portable work table.
221-93 EXHAUST HOSE 11’ LONG Connect to drill exhaust ports, to provide additional muffling and noise reduction.
431-00 TIME MINING ALIGNMENT TOOL For drill alignment.
ENG-58 MOUNT FOR ALIGNMENT TOOL Clamps to feed assembly and provides an accurate location to connect the alignment tool.
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